37+ Best Style Suggestions Looks Your Wardrobe Needs in Summer 2019

1:07 PM

vogue runway, clothing styles, show, designers, trend Soaking up some much needed girl family time today! Brunch with my bb classycleanchic then dinner with my parents! Wore this super cozy sweater to brunch - Iobsessed with the neutral leopard print! would be perfect for Vday or Spring! You can get it for $40 + my boots for 40% off with code XOXOLOMEYER || Shop my outfit by following me on the  app or by going to thelomeyerblog.com/shop || For reference - top fits like a S-M follow the size guide for the boots! I suggest expedited shipping for both goodnightmacaroon , GMVDAY , GMXOXO

vogue runway - clothing styles - #show - #designers - #trend

Soaking up some much needed girl family time today! Brunch with my bb classycleanchic then dinner with my parents! Wore this super cozy sweater to brunch - Iobsessed with the neutral leopard print! would be perfect for Vday or Spring! You can get it for $40 + my boots for 40% off with code XOXOLOMEYER || Shop my outfit by following me on the app or by going to thelomeyerblog.com/shop || For reference - top fits like a S-M follow the size guide for the boots! I suggest expedited shipping for both goodnightmacaroon , GMVDAY , GMXOXO source

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